Wolne Miasto is the first ECO-Classic investment, which uses innovative technology to minimize the impact of electrosmog. With ADR® Technology of the settlers are protected from the harmful effects of low-frequency electric field.
We want the people of Wolne Miasto to live in a climate as close as possible to wildlife. Therefore, during the construction of the estate, we decided to use innovative solutions designed to protect the health and quality of life. For this purpose were used innovative global technologies to reduce emissions in the interiors of apartments and impact of electrosmog - ADR® Technology (ADR® Primer Electro Protect). The emulsion is fully ecological and very effective - expertises confirmed 90% of its effectiveness. ADR® technology is an invention of a Polish scientist - Dr. Eng. Stanisław Wosiński. He has already gained international appreciation and fame. In April of 2011 he was awarded with the Gold Medal in "Environmental Protection - Energy" category, at the International Exhibition of Inventions in Geneva.
Introduction of those solutions will have a positive impact on people's immune system and will help to maintain inner balance and well-being of inhabitants of Wolne Miasto.
More information on Electrosmog, the effects of its influence and technologies used in Wolne Miasto can be found at: