1st place – Adam Kępa
„Dziecięce emocje podczas gry”
„Dziecięce emocje podczas gry”
Gallery Watch a video on the estate Free City - click here.
The main idea behind the contest was to present the Wolne Miasto estate as seen through the eyes of its residents, through their interests, style of living there, leisure time, through both their daily life and events important to them.
The first place went to Mr Adam Kępa with his work entitled „Dziecięce emocje podczas gry / Children's emotions in a game”. The second photography that charmed us is “Zielono mi / It’s so green around there” taken by Ms Marzena Dzidek. The third place was awarded to Ms Justyna Malinowska with “Duże dziecko, plac zabaw przy Cedrowej 41 / Grown child, playground at 41, Cedrowa Street”.
During their discussion of the works, the jury paid particular attention to such factors as composition, colours, and light, which are the basics of a good photography. The photo awarded first place is consistent in its topic, style, and emotional message and illustrates the cheerfulness and energy typical for children. There is something exceptional about it. Seemingly a simple photo, yet it captures the viewer’s attention.
As the photos received turned out to be of a very high standard, the jury decided to award special mentions to another 12 contestants.